exe valley federation

Exe Valley


Knowledge & Science

BSP: Knowledge

Experiments, RAMM, Recycling, Fizz Pop Science 2023


 Arts & Music

BSP: Arts & Music


Tradition & Faith

BSP: Tradition and Faith


Sports & Mental Health

BSP: Sports & Mental Health


Fun with FOBSS

Class 1

'I want this for my next birthday party, please!'
Summer Fun at Brampford Speke, organised by our FOBSS team

Class 2

'I can't believe I've won - I'm really good at this!'

Class 3

'Best day EVER!'

Summer 2022

Our school and Local area in pictures

Brampford Speke Primary School Playground

Brampford Speke Primary School Play Area

Beautiful Walks around Brampford Speke Primary

Beautiful St Peters in Brampford Speke

Library at Brampford Speke Primary