exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Information for Parents

Welcome to Brampford Speke Primary School

Useful information for parents and prospective parents can be found on this page and in the sub menu. Please ask if you can't see the information you are looking for.

email us 

Alternatively, you can always call us: 01392 841414.




We have introduced a Facebook Page for Brampford Speke Primary. Please like and follow our page for updates and reminders for all our wonderful school events and important announcements!

click here for our facebook page 


Our School DayOur school day starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3.30 p.m.

8.50 a.m. School gates open and children are welcomed into the playground.  Nursery and Reception children are met and taken into the classroom.
9 a.m. Morning register
10.40 - 11 a.m. Morning break for all classes. There is fruit available for KS1 children and other pupils are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack.
noon Start of lunch time for Class 1 pupils.
12.10 p.m. Start of lunch time for Class 2 and 3 pupils.
1.10 p.m. Afternoon lessons start at for all pupils.
2.20 - 2.30 p.m. Class 1  have afternoon break.
3.10 - 3.30 p.m. Assembly / Collective Worship
3.30 - 4.30 p.m. After School Clubs

