exe valley federation

Exe Valley


Creedy class is taught by Mrs Parsons and supported by Mrs Jones and Miss Wood. Creedy class is made up of the Year 1 and Year 2 children. The children enjoy learning through a variety of activities including play based activities, practical and starting more formal written activities. 

Creedy Rolling Programme 


Here is our classroom:


Our priority is learning to read and helping children to get pleasure from reading books. We have many activities across the week which develop reading skills and reading for pleasure including daily phonics sessions, guided reading, sharing and discussing books during English, paired reading where the children are paired with an older child who reads to them and also a whole school reading session when everyone in the school stops to enjoy books. 

At Sandford School we following the Little Wandle systematic synthetic phonics programme. As part of this programme we read in small group 3 times a week, developing our fluency, prosody and comprehension. Each week we visit the school library and choose a new 'reading for pleasure' book. The librarians help us vary our reading diet.  

Phonics Overview

Useful home-learning links: