exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Class 2

A very warm welcome to you! We are Class 2 at Thorverton C of E Primary School. We are a class of Year 2 children and our class teacher is Mrs Williamson. Mrs Baron also supports us with our learning too.

We are a hardworking class with high expectations. We always try to do our best and this is rewarded with lots of fun while we are learning too!

 In Class 2, we expect our class mates to be kind to each other, look after our property, treat other people with respect, and try our very hardest to live by our school values.

Please click on the links below to view our current timetable and the curriculum planners for Class 2, which outline the learning that is taking place each half term:


Autumn term 2023

Class 2 Timetable - Autumn Term

Class 2 Curriculum Planner - Autumn 1 - Our Local Area

Class 2 Curriculum Planner - Autumn 2 - Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

Spring term 2024

Class 2 Curriculum Planner - Spring 1 - Wonderful World

Class 2 Curriculum Planner - Spring 2 - Transport and Travel

How you can help your child at home


Summer term 2024

Class 2 Curriculum Planner- Summer 2 - Mary Anning


There is lots of information about how to support your child's learning on the 'how to help your child at home' page under 'home schooling'. CLICK HERE