School Uniform
The recommended uniform is listed below. If you would like items with school logos, these can be purchased from Thomas Moore on Fore Street, Exeter or by visiting and searching for Thorverton. Our PTFA also hold regular ‘nearly new’ sales. All clothing should be clearly marked with your child's name.
Uniform list:
- Dark blue school sweatshirt cardigan (with or without logo)
- White or blue polo shirt (with or without logo)
- Black/grey trousers or black/grey tailored shorts
- Black/grey/navy dress or skirt
- Red and white checked dress (optional for summer)
- White, grey, black or navy socks or tights
- Dark shoes All shoes should be suitable for energetic playtimes and daily physical activity.
- Waterproof coats are required in school every day.
- Appropriate sun hats and sunglasses are encouraged in hot weather.